How RareStockX Works?



  1. Register on RareStockX:
    • You, as a seller, register an account on RareStockX, providing personal information and details about the products you wish to sell.
  2. Account Verification:
    • We verify your account information to ensure its authenticity and credibility.
  3. Add Products to RareStockX:
    • You add the products you want to sell to RareStockX, providing detailed information including images, descriptions, prices, and other attributes.
  4. Product Confirmation by Admin:
    • The administrator of RareStockX reviews the product information and decides to confirm or reject the product. If necessary, they may request additional information or edits.
  5. Publish Products on RareStockX:
    • Once the product is confirmed, it is published on RareStockX and made available for purchase by customers.
  6. Manage Orders:
    • You manage the orders placed by confirming, processing, and delivering them to customers.
  7. Payment and Order Processing:
    • RareStockX processes payments from customers and transfers funds to you after successful delivery of orders.
  8. Feedback and Reviews:
    • After delivery, customers can provide feedback and reviews about the product and service, helping to improve the shopping experience on RareStockX.
  9. Support and After-Sales Service:
    • We provide support after sales for both you and customers to address any issues that arise after completing transactions.
  10. Account Management:
    • You and customers can manage your accounts on RareStockX, including updating personal information, tracking orders, and changing account settings.

In this way, RareStockX ensures that all transactions on our platform are conducted safely and reliably.